Tag Archives: refresh



Image courtesy of Svilen Milev

Merriam-Webster defines imagination as “1. the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. 2. a) creative ability, b) ability to confront and deal with a problem c) the thinking or active mind.” We have the power of our imagination to perceive reality in a different way. Perceiving reality is thinking outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box is creative thinking.

Using our imagination to create an image in heads aids in our problem solving skills. I think we forget how important our imagination is and it affects our abilities to overcome challenges in our life. Indulging our imagination is not a waste of time but, I believe, a way to stimulate our brains and improve our problem solving skills. How we use our imagination can have positive and negative results. Using our imagination to fixate on a person or a problem can magnify the issues surrounding the reasons we are focusing on and prevent us from using our problem solving skills to see a solution. This would be a negative result. A positive result would be one where you are able to step away from a situation, refresh you outlook and tap into the wealth of creative thinking skills we each have.

Using our imagination can also be relaxing. Picture your favorite place to visit. Whenever you are stressed and tensed, go visit that place in your mind. People it with your loved ones. Decorate it with happy memories and cheerful colors. Add scents. Smells play a large part in our memories and associates with happier times. Make that place your refuge to take your time-outs in. Go for a visit and refresh yourself. When you step back into reality, you will have changed your perspective and will be able to access your ability to think creatively.